Monday, May 20, 2019

Country Wisdom

There are some things you live your whole life
without knowing, some facts that nobody cares
that you lack. Of course, if you’d be a farmer, 
you must know  a mule from a horse.
If you should be asked to write for Farm Journal
it is important to know that the fruit of the corn
is known as a kernel;  chickens gathered to eat
said fruit are rightfully called a flock.
A bullock (or ox if you choose) has never
been noted for curls. That mentioned, two bullocks
are oxen, single one out it’s an ox. Furthermore,
if it’s a cow, it’s always a girl.
A sow  (as in cow)is a hog that’s had babies,
before that she was a pig, and even prior, in a time
somewhat remote, that pig was known as a shoat.
Then as now, in good times  and worse,  
you can’t turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse.